Quran and Astronomy
Quranic miracle your astronomy topics extensive studied and discussed, and almost not without a source of books miracles but said it has swear by God (I swear locations of the stars) / located 75 (It oath, if you know a great) / located 76 . And Imam Razi, was the first to talk about the roundness of the Earth, was inferred from the Koran.
In our topic this will join several astronomical information with some verses to know fascinating facts with attention to the comprehensive Quranic constants.
First: the limited universe, form: where the belief long that the universe infinite dimensions, did not occur to scientists in the past ages shape of the universe and its dimensions, he says: (expanded his chair heavens and the earth) Cow 255, and means that surrounds presence, and take evidence dimension, and dimension Directory limitations, and what conclusion Einstein in the limited universe other than the fact that the Koran.
He says: (high grades Throne) Ghafir 15. Note that the word senior calculates sentences equal to 360 degrees, a degree circle and the ball (360 circle in the 360 level) and this is the greatest expression of the roundness of the Earth.
Second: the location of the land of the universe: that the soul after death is due to Allah, the Almighty said: (and fear the Day when you shall return to God and then died all the same as earned, and they will not be wronged) Cow 281. The Almighty said: (O, O assured self - 27 - Return to your Lord is satisfied with satisfactory - 2 dawn.
This means that the spirit would go in her departure equivalent to the distance between the Earth and the limits of the universe as long as God surrounds presence, and God knows.
Third: freedom from gravity and perpetual motion in a dark atmosphere: when satellites liberated from the influence of gravity remains under the influence of other powers as long as they are not going straight path, but these forces are balanced because continuous Alavmar in motion and without disabling ..... And movement across the Koran for non-straight winding movement, and in the San Arabs Maraj (twisted) or curved or intermittent. He says: (If they opened the door of heaven and they kept mounting through it - 14 - but they said Intoxicated sight but we are folk Mshoron - 15) Stone. This fact Quranic include:
When a person crosses the limits of the sky continues to movement is straight and emphasize the meaning: they kept any continued their movement when they pass the limits of gravity.
Astronauts confirmed that the rotation around the earth in a dark atmosphere and ground like night and day without as it is in the ground and the meaning of the verse: (but Intoxicated sight) is the finest expression of this case.
Fourth: the discovery of the moon phases means: in the Koran clear indication is that the Moon can be detected by means multiple stages. When he discovered the moon was spacecraft does not exceed the limits of gravity in the stage, but in three stages where stems missile Althaba for the first and third for the second, even obese carrier rocket for the spacecraft (dish) to the stages (according dish) the Almighty said: (I swear twilight <16> and night and Osag <17> and the moon if Atsag <18> to Tercbn according dish <19> dissent. and word Otsag means completed any back whole, and to express symbolic perhaps that secrets were evident and completed so it was the expression of so (for Tercbn according dish) if you want to Otsag means became Badra to become difficult to interpret the meaning dish for dish contained beyond., the moon is the first body Connie Link rights and discovered, and this is what linked verse blessed. It is well known that the speed of degeneration of land equal to 11 0.2 km / s. Referring to the achievements of general relativity in 1916. and proven in practice in 1919. by Mission British Royal when a total eclipse of the sun, and how they are dealing بالتلسكوبات when design development coefficient deviation her .... verse gems used expression(More), and (for) used for overstepping did not use the meaning of (the) reference to rocket stages three a flaw linguistically in a sense, as that details section twilight and night and split the moon and linking relationship with the conquest of space, which happened in our time talked about specialists affairs Astronomy and Miracles Quranic in this area.
Fifth: Discover the universe: We have addressed the Koran minds of men in various stages of their lives, it is a book not only vocabulary lives of Arabs and Muslims in the time of revelation and how else can address human beings in the desert (and you escape in the earth or in heaven) Spider 22, It is true that Arabs then realized this to say through the momentum of faith and according to the perceptions of simple stages of their lives, but that the Koran has proved that in every stage of human expresses the sense of infinite meanings inherent in it. And says: (O jinn and mankind you can to تنفذوا, of the heavens and the earth Fanfzu not without authority) Rahman 33. Qur'an affirms the fact conclusively that person can discover Dimensions abyssal of the universe through accessible if he can install the appropriate means, namely science, and ride which is a method of science metaphor of the verse, one of the meanings of language word for Sultan, and here is that the word (that) and not (If) or (if) came because (if) stating passport occurrence future while (if) and (if) Chertitan not تفيدان occurrence of future, and the influence of language is not limited to the influence of vehicles only is the term includes the influence of sight through telescopes as well, and God I know.
Sixth: black holes: The latest theories about black holes in the vast universe is stars become high density so attracted to even light a like Balbaluah in space cosmic, and really that these stars insight into this space, and for this reason the vision telescopes black, as though there is what is known as Balniotrarnilloz that pierce the earth and penetrate within seconds, full of the universe until we are swimming in the fact that Alniotrarnilloz which can penetrate 18 million light-years of lead and barrier also proved recently.
The cross-Quran for these stars (Piercing star) at the time had it for more than (14) centuries, and the right of Arabs in the past that Evsrōha the star bright lighting or severe, because these stars insightful not only discovered in the late stages of the twentieth century.
Seventh: the light does not go in a straight line: Einstein has proved (in his general theory ratio), that the light does not go in a straight line, but a curved line closed. If fired a beam of returned to you so light after millions of years, though launched in the opposite direction returned to you weak and feeble after millions of years, to look at this fact in the Qur'anic expression: He says: (then go back sight Curtin unto thee sight Khasia a Hasir) King 4 . We noticed here clearly how they came to the word (turn) reflect the passing of the dimensions of the universe and not return reflected the finest and most accurate expression of this scientific fact .... And may mean twice, once in the direction of the rotation of the Earth and other contrary, where the result will be the same in both cases, and the verse does not mean linguistically twice - see the proof in science Holy Zrkachi.
Eighth: Ozone Layer: The sun's energy emitted them contain a lot of deadly radiation of terrestrial creatures, even those rays reached the earth to life is zero. The UV rays with the sun when colliding with atmospheric oxygen conversion to ionic layer absorbs the radiation and manufactures envelope surrounds the globe have maintained for life. He says: (and made the sky ceiling preserved and they all verses are exposed) Prophets 32, any protector of life and the ozone layer soft flimsy surrounding land where few cracks occurred may threaten human catastrophe .... So how about if defected this case الواهي any become ground exposed and directly to each radiation sun must they Resurrection ((Remember the sky is not ozone only added to the atmosphere, where friction heartbreaking meteors and turning it into a meteor, as well as belts magnetic - belts Van Allen - which protects the particle Atomic toward the poles Polar Glow known)). He says: (and the sky is split at that time and flimsy) Haaqqa 16, note that Alyah per contain more than one scientific fact, but by the telescope will be taken into account.
Ninth: the constantly expanding universe: Male (Davis) in the introduction to his book world of chance (The recent discoveries about the early universe compels us to accept the idea that the universe is a precise orbit format and stunning). Quran has confirmed this fact, saying the Almighty: (heaven and we have built our hands and I Musaon) Almariaat 47. It is strange that modern scientific similes for the expansion of the universe as one who infuses the bubble. And diverge by these galaxies Puff. Because the universe is slowing in large as proven by modern science, it must Puff was one and is not ongoing, and perhaps the end is a blast result of this expansion, and this metaphor taken from the Koran.
The expansion of the universe does not mean that it is limited, but at every moment of its limited expansion dimensions and galaxies in Hjovernma and changing dimensions is very important in the balance of the universe. Says Mr. Raad Khazraji: even though latest astronomical theories and developed in the nineties of the twentieth century, argues that the universe will end in one of two possibilities, either the explosion or collapse, and this was expressed by the Koran, saying the Almighty: (day turn the sky Kti record books as we first creation, so shall we were actors) prophets 104.
Tenth: The constants comprehensive Quranic Tell Mr. Raad Khazraji also: that the distance between my Sirius star of astronomical units equal to the number poetic verse in Surat star. It is also constants extract the speed of light with extreme precision of the Quran (the length of the subject light, please refer to the research, published in the World miraculous Conference which was held in Moscow in 1994